Wednesday, November 12, 2008

More Day 4--Carlisle to Hackettstown

Got to my sister Patty's house about 3:30pm. Seeing family that we have not seen for a long time is nice, but frankly, after the Martin Factory, a little anti-climactic. Just kidding of course, it was very climactic. We hung out, abused the children and several of the animals while waiting for Patty to prepare perhaps the last great meal we would eat before we arrive in Europe. I say perhaps ony because we may get a fabulous meal on the WWI Folkker Red Barron plane provided by that famous airline L'Avion. I am indeed looking forward to Ick with Velveeta as our overnight dinner selecton. Anyway, we had some laughs with Patty, the kids and Patty's hunny bunny Kevin. Kevin is a scientist of some sort and I do believe he has succesfully altered the genetic makeup of his daughter Maggie and turned her into a rather large tree frog. But I could be wrong.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That child is a fweak of nature.